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Witch Way

Uncovering the journey of you through

  • Massage Therapy

  • Energy Healing

  • Psychic Readings


I'm Jessica

I'm a Psychic Witch and Healer living in Lethbridge, Alberta. I combine the elements of Energy Healing, Psychic Ability, Spirit Communication and Massage Therapy during my healing sessions to address body, mind and spirit for a truly holistic and spiritual experience. 

Interested in a Psychic Reading?

I offer Psychic Deep Soul Healing sessions. When you're not sure 'Witch Way' to go and are in need of some guidance, let me connect to your soul and help you to uncover the truth of your journey here on Earth. 

What I Do



Energy Healing

I am a Reiki Master and Reiki with Angels practitioner. I work with spirits, and the elements to balance and heal the aura, chakras and meridians for the highest possible healing.

Psychic Services

I am a trained psychic and have been communicating with spirits since I was 18 years old. Every experience is delightfully unique and I anticipate every session with just as much enthusiasm as my clients.





Massage Therapy

I have been a registered massage therapist for over ten years. I combine therapeutic techniques with my psychic senses in order to see into the body and get to the root of the issue.

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